1997 - Anikka at 12 years old believed in fairy tales, frog prince and the "happy ever after" quotes. Because of her granny's tales, she decided she would pick one frog and wish for someone to be her real-life prince in the future. And voila, she did find one slimy little frog; but before she could kiss the frog and have her wish, she was disturbed by a boy named Duke. It was Duke the reason why her frog were nowhere to be found and now her wish will never come true. But Duke wanted to get the responsibility. He promised to give Anikka her wish if only she would tell him. But it didn't happen.
2011 - Duke returned from States to handle the business of his ailing grandparents and to marry the girl of their choice. He was up to the test and he was made sure to do it. It wasn't a problem for Duke.
But 10 days before his wedding, she met this girl in an accident and took her under his wings.
Nikka doesn't want to stay longer in a stranger's house; no matter how handsome he is, but she doesn't have any choice with the raging typhoon.
But every counting days they were together, everythings getting difficult for Nikka and Duke. Both of them trapped by the romantic trance, confusing love and hope.
Then Nikka found out Duke was the same guy she met 16 years ago. The boy who promised to give her a wish. But will she get it? if her wish to have him forever is going to be doomed in the first place as Duke is getting married in 2 days time...
Will her "happy ever after" really happen?
1997 - Anikka at 12 years old believed in fairy tales, frog prince and the "happy ever after" quotes. Because of her granny's tales, she decided she would pick one frog and wish for someone to be her real-life prince in the future. And voila, she did find one slimy little frog; but before she could kiss the frog and have her wish, she was disturbed by a boy named Duke. It was Duke the reason why her frog were nowhere to be found and now her wish will never come true. But Duke wanted to get the responsibility. He promised to give Anikka her wish if only she would tell him. But it didn't happen.
2011 - Duke returned from States to handle the business of his ailing grandparents and to marry the girl of their choice. He was up to the test and he was made sure to do it. It wasn't a problem for Duke.
But 10 days before his wedding, she met this girl in an accident and took her under his wings.
Nikka doesn't want to stay longer in a stranger's house; no matter how handsome he is, but she doesn't have any choice with the raging typhoon.
But every counting days they were together, everythings getting difficult for Nikka and Duke. Both of them trapped by the romantic trance, confusing love and hope.
Then Nikka found out Duke was the same guy she met 16 years ago. The boy who promised to give her a wish. But will she get it? if her wish to have him forever is going to be doomed in the first place as Duke is getting married in 2 days time...
Will her "happy ever after" really happen?