Voiced by our BFFC Voice Artists in Badboy (Clark Peña Dizon), B-san(Stephanie Uy Martir) featuring Bogs Maria Russelyn Javar, Brew Kevz Jaictin, also Bracella (Hannah Gracela Beronio Ondras), Blondie Abigail Torres, Blubunch Jhazmine Reign Tindugan Nalupa, Belle ChrizMae Trix, Byonz Yona Calo, Bubuchacha Calvin Castillonand more.
BFFC Voice Artists:
Nick - Badboy (Clark P. Dizon)
Say - B-san (Stephanie Uy Martir)
Drex - Brew ( Kevz Jaictin)
Cheska - Blondie (Abigail Torres)
Lilac - Bracella (Hannah Gracela Beronio Ondras)
Tori - Bluebunch (Jhazmine Reign Tindugan Nalupa)
Jerica - Beast Carah Kyle Amora Salise
Governor De Plaza - Bubuchacha (Calvin Castillon)
Mr. Enriquez - Bubuchacha
Mr Erasgo - Bunch (Jayrald Dean Celeste-Solis
Sabina - Belle (ChrizMae Trix
Walden/Host - Bray R (Christopher Nanz Custan II)
Pierce - Botch (Mark Chinoy Bacarro)
Librarian - B-Yonz (Yona Calo)
The Fraternity guys - Bruno Earth, Bulaga & Bubuchacha
The Library Students - Black Chamaine Okay, Besh Chevelle Ligad, Bruno Earth KR Lumantas
Other Cheerleaders - Black, Byonz, Belle, Babe, Boknut, Me!
Additional Teaser Scene for Part 3:
Brooke - Bogs (Maria Russelyn Javar)
Aling Maring (for the part 2) - Bakz Joy Gino Gulde
The Receptionist: Me :)
Atty Serrano - Bulaga Djai Flores
Written by yours truly: Beverly Laurete Hawksworth / DJBianca Frost